Wednesday 16 March 2011

CD cover

i have experimented with using different pictures for my cd cover and also constructed an inside left and right picture. I have changed the front cover as my first front cover i found that it was not high quality compared to the rest of the album cover. I also felt that the colours didnt match with each other, there was not a consistent flow of colours.

Here is my new front cover. The artist is not making eye contact witht he camera. This would normally break a convention of cd covers, however i recognise that this creates a desirable affect of suspence. As i previously analysed when looking at rihanna's 'Loud' album. I have also enhanced the colour at the top right to ensure the title can be easily read.

This was another attempt i made. I found this picture worked well however the quality was to blury for me to use.

This is my extra panel. I have changed this picture as the one that was origionally my extra panel (middle cover) is now the front cover. I wanted my cd cover to flow but i didnt want to use the same pictures to many times. I ahve changed the colour contrast to mix with the overall colours. I htink the colours are warm and inviting perfect for my genre which is romantic. I have choosen a close up picture because this is a picture of my artist in her personal space.

Here is my back cover. Again i have changed the colours to match the rest of my album. I think that the colours matching creates a warmer album. I have however used a film grain effect on the back cover to draw attention to the tracks and not just the picture.

Here is my 2 inside pictures, i want them to stnad side by side in the pack. The image is the same mirrored i would like the cd to be in the middle of the digi pack and these 2 pictures on the outside.

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